with Gary Pantin
Introductory Podcast
Welcome to the introductory podcast of "We are all Theologians". I am superexcited for you to join me on this journey of discovery about ourselves, including why were we born, I want to dig deeper into the mysteries of our unniverse with you but I also want to uncover the overwhelming joy of embracing the simpler things in life. My plan is to always be here with you as long as I am given the opportunity and to never stop exploring this world in which we live. Whether I do so by boat, plane or in virtual reality, until I can do no more, and I want to urge you to find a way to do the same. At times it will be exciting, sometimes it will be quiet. There will be joy and there will be sadness but I will never leave you if you stay with me. These are truly incredible times for each of us and I'm glad you are here with me and I am with you! And remember we are all theologians on this journey together!
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Theologians posted an update 5 months ago
5 months ago (edited)
Introductory Podcast to “Theologians” hosted by Gary Pantin (Transcript)
Hello and welcome to the introductory podcast to “Theologians”, a 10 part series about the word of God on Theologians.com. My name is Gary, and I’m happy that you’re able to join us here today. I’m also super excited to introduce you to this new podcast, which we hope…